Our Self-Development Kits (SDKs) are Connector Libraries for our insanely fast Registrar Backend Systems. The SDKs cover the API Communication Best Practives and easy ways for requesting and accessing data. Do not hesitate to reach out. The API Communications happens based on POST Requests via HTTPS Protocol to respective Registrar Backend System. We're not communicating with a REST API because these SDKs cover multiple Brands in a generic way and for some brands, there's no REST API available. In addition the available REST APIs are not following a generic structure - a must have for a generic cross-brand compatible library. In addition they are not supporting plain contact data handling in Requests yet which is a must have for 3rd-party Software Integrations as dealing with contact handles and their IDs in commands isn't possible.
Although this sounds very technical, we promise that this Library helps already a lot in regards to this kind of API Communication. Left is to learn about the exact API Commands to request for ordering services and products or just for accessing the data you're looking for. This is where a REST API and a related client library would be more self-explaining and doing definitely better. We are aware of this!
Sadly, our SDKs have a different level of supported features and registrar brands. Still, the below UML Diagram is representing the Core possibilities and can be used as high-level overview. For exact details we recommend checking the SDK-specific Class Documentation. Our PHP-/NODE-SDKs cover right now the most advanced structure as they are used in-house and in our 3rd-party Software Integrations. We also recommend having an eye on the Demo Apps of our SDKs to identify how they have to be used.
All SDKs are supporting brand HEXONET (HX), except the PHP-SDK which is supporting CentralNic Reseller (CNR) as well.
- Automatic IDN Domain name conversion to punycode (our API accepts only punycode format in commands)
- Allows Nested Arrays in API Commands to improve in direction of Bulk Parameters
- Connecting and communication with our API
- Possibility to use a custom mechanism for debug mode
- Several ways to access and deal with response data
- Getting the command again returned together with the response
- Sensible Data (e.g. Password) is hidden in Debug Output and Data Access Methods for Security Reasons
- Sessionless Communication
- Session based Communication
- Possibility to save API session identifier in session
- Configure a Proxy for API communication
- Configure a Referer for API communication
- High Performance Proxy Setup
UML Diagram
Our Classes provide further useful Methods for getting the connection configured and response data accessed. Have an eye on the Class Documentation and the UML Diagram for further insights.
- HEXONET API Documentation
- CentralNic Reseller API Documentation
Basic Usage Examples
We have very basic Demo Apps available showing how to integrate and use our SDKs:
OT&E System
OT&E Sytem stands for Operational Test & Evaluation System. No costs, just for playing around with things. This system can be seen as a kind of sandbox system that allows to test your integration first before going live with it. This system and the use of our products and services is completely free of charge. To use this system, use APIClient’s method `useOTESystem`. Otherwise Live System will be used by default.
LIVE System
The real world system - This system and the use our services and products can lead to real costs depending on what you’re exactly doing. Live System will be used by default, but you can also use APIClient’s method `useLIVESystem` to add it in source code for reference.
- PHP 8 and php-curl
- Installed composer.
Installation Instructions
This module is available on the PHP Package Registry and can be installed using composer.
Run composer require "centralnic-reseller/php-sdk"
to get the latest version downloaded and added to your project's composer.json.
In your script simply use require 'vendor/autoload.php';
or require 'vendor/centralnic-reseller/php-sdk';
High Performance Proxy Setup
Long distances to our main data center in Germany may result in high network latencies. If you encounter such problems, we highly recommend to use this setup, as it uses persistent connections to our API server and the overhead for connection establishments is omitted.
1 - Apache Modules
At least Apache version 2.2.9 is required.
The following Apache2 modules must be installed and activated:
ssl.conf # for HTTPs connection to our API server
ssl.load # for HTTPs connection to our API server
2 - Apache Configuration
An example Apache configuration with binding to localhost (example for HEXONET!):
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerSignature Off
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPass /api/call.cgi min=1 max=2
ProxyPass /api-ote/call.cgi min=1 max=2
<Proxy *>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from none
Allow from all
After saving your configuration changes please restart the Apache webserver. Basically, this example also works for any other Registrar API. You'll just have to customize the ProxyPass settings. ProxyPass snippet for CentralNic Reseller (CNR):
# ... ProxyPass /api/call.cgi min=1 max=2 ProxyPass /api-ote/call.cgi min=1 max=2 # ...
3 - Implementation
In the below example, please specify your registrar of interest. Actually supported: CentralNic Reseller, HEXONET,, Moniker.
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "HEXONET"
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
->useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup()//Default Connection Setup would be used otherwise by default
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request(["COMMAND" => "StatusAccount"]);
So, what happens in code behind the scenes? We communicate with localhost (so our proxy setup) that passes the requests to the HEXONET API. Of course we can’t activate this setup by default as it is based on Steps 1 and 2. Otherwise connecting to our API wouldn’t work.
Just in case the above port or ip address can’t be used, use function setURL instead to set a different URL / Port.
is the default URL for the High Performance Proxy Setup. e.g. $cl->setURL("");
would change the port. Configure that port also in the Apache Configuration (-> Step 2)!
Don’t use https
for that setup as it leads to slowing things down as of the https overhead
of securing the connection. In this setup we just connect to localhost, so no direct outgoing network traffic using http
. The apache configuration finally takes care passing it to https
for the final communication to the HEXONET API.
CentralNic Reseller (CNR)
After having the High-Performance Proxy Setup set up, you can use it as shown below:
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR"
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
->useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup()//Default Connection Setup would be used otherwise by default
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request(["COMMAND" => "StatusAccount"]); (IBS)
Follows the same principles by using the `useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup` Function. Find usage examples for this brand below.
Moniker (MONIKER)
Follows the same principles by using the `useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup` Function. Find usage examples for this brand below.
Customize Logging / Outputs
When having the debug mode activated \HEXONET\Logger will be used for doing outputs. Of course it could be of interest for integrators to look for a way of getting this replaced by a custom mechanism like forwarding things to a 3rd-party software, logging into file or whatever.
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR"
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
->enableDebugMode()//activate debug outputs
->setCustomLogger(new MyCustomerLogger())//provide your mechanism here
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request(["COMMAND" => "StatusAccount"]);
NOTE: Find an interface for your custom logger class implementation in by implenting \CNIC\LoggerInterface.php
. If you have questions, feel free to open a github issue.
Usage Examples
Available Registrar APIs
This SDK is supporting multiple Registrar Backend Systems and their HTTPS Socket.
$cl = CF::getClient([ "registrar" => "HEXONET" ]);
- CentralNic Reseller:
$cl = CF::getClient([ "registrar" => "CNR" ]);
$cl = CF::getClient([ "registrar" => "IBS" ]);
- Moniker:
$cl = CF::getClient([ "registrar" => "MONIKER" ]);
Session-based API Communication
Available since version 4.x! Supported by Registrar Brands: HEXONET, CentralNic Reseller. Not available to and Moniker.
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR"
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->login();
// or this line for using 2FA
// $r = $cl->login('.. here your otp code ...');
if ($r->isSuccess()){
echo "LOGIN SUCCEEDED.<br/>";
// Now reuse the created API session for further request
// You don't have to care about anything!
$r = $cl->request(array(
"COMMAND" => "StatusAccount"
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($r->getHash(), true)) . "</pre>";
// Perform session close and logout
$r = $cl->logout();
if ($r->isSuccess()){
echo "LOGOUT SUCCEEDED.<br/>";
} else {
echo "LOGOUT FAILED.<br/>";
else {
echo "LOGIN FAILED.<br/>";
Save session configuration into PHP Session:
If you’re realizing your own frontend on top, you need a solution to keep the Backend API Session that the PHP-SDK wraps internally to be reusable in further page loads. This can be achieved by
// right after successful login
// for every further request
Sessionless API Communication
CentralNic Reseller / HEXONET:
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR" // <-------- or HEXONET
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
// ->setRemoteIPAddress(""); // provide ip address used for active ip filter
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request(array(
"COMMAND" => "StatusAccount"
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($r->getHash(), true)) . "</pre>"; / Moniker:
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "IBS" // <-------- or MONIKER
$cl->useOTESystem()//LIVE System would be used otherwise by default
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request([ "tld" => "nl" ], "Domain/Tldinfo"); // <------------ new: 2nd parameter
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($r->getHash(), true)) . "</pre>";
API Command: Nested Arrays
Use the below to improve code a bit:
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR"
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request([
"COMMAND" => "CheckDomains"
"DOMAIN" => ["", ""]
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($r->getHash(), true)) . "</pre>";
instead of:
use \CNIC\ClientFactory as CF;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$cl = CF::getClient([
"registrar" => "CNR"
->setCredentials("<your account id>", "<your password>");
$r = $cl->request([
"COMMAND" => "CheckDomains"
"DOMAIN0" => "",
"DOMAIN1" => ""
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($r->getHash(), true)) . "</pre>";